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How gears work

Posted by Admin | 16 Sep

  Gears are essential when driving motors and machines; they increase the output torque and adjust the direction and speed of rotation. They are primarily used to transmit rotational motion, but with the right gears and flat-toothed components, they can convert reciprocating motion to rotational motion and vice versa.

  Gears are toothed mechanical transmission elements that transmit motion and power between machine parts, and in this article, we'll cover several types of gears and how they work.

  Spur gears transmit power through parallel shafts. The teeth of the spur gear are parallel to the shaft axis. This causes the gear to generate a radial reaction load on the shaft, rather than an axial load. Spur gears are one of the most widely used types of gears used in bulk handling equipment, energy industry, transmission, forestry, automotive, food, and beverage industries.

  Unlike parallel spur gears, the teeth of helical gears are oriented at an angle to the shaft. This results in multiple teeth being contacted during operation, and helical gears can carry more loads than spur gears. The helical gear industry is endless, and as manufacturing and production advance, so does the demand for parts. These industries include material handling, energy, marine and shipbuilding, mining, food and beverage, cement industry, chemical processing industry, forestry, and more.

  Double helical gears are a variation of helical gears in which two bevels are placed next to each other with a gap between them. Each face has the same but opposite helix angle. The use of a double helical gear set eliminates thrust loads and offers the possibility of greater tooth overlap and smoother operation.

  Worm gears can also be found in almost any machinery around the world. In Turkey, we have improved our methods of machining these types of gears and implemented best practices for optimal gear manufacturing. They are used similarly to spur gears in applications including conveyors, bulk handling, packaging, agriculture, and more.

  The worm gear transmits power through right angles on non-intersecting shafts. Worm gears generate thrust loads and are suitable for high shock load applications, but are very inefficient compared to other gears. Due to this inefficiency, they are often used in low-horsepower applications.

  We are Automobile Tooth Gear Manufacturers, welcome to inquire!

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